
We like to ensure our contact database is up to date to let you know about upcoming KICS playgroups.

Please let us know some of your contact details!

Membership Details

  • DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • KICS Cluster groups

    KICS playgroups can be hosted in a variety of sites, all arranged by geographic cluster. We will notify you when a playgroup is scheduled for your cluster and you also wish to be notified of playgroups happening in neighbouring cluster. We also hold playgroups in towns and communities. You can asked to be notified when we are visiting nearby towns and communities.
  • Fundraising

    KICS is a non-profit charity organisation. To enhance our funds and to enable us to purchase resources we fundraise throughout the year the following products:

    • * Scholastic book club raises credit points to purchase books for our library
    • * Indoor/outdoor waterproof mats, kids T-shirts with the KICS logo, KICS recipe cards
    • * End of year Toy catalogue fundraiser

    Please let us know if you would or would not like our fundraising information throughout the year.

  • Permission for use of visual material

    KICS has a vast collection of photos from the KICS playgroup albums and uses some of these in our quarterly newsletter and occasionally makes them available on the KICS website and on our Facebook page. We need your permission to publish your child’s photo. KICS will not disclose any further information other than the playgroup venue and date. KICS may sometimes need an image for funding purposes or for broader publication to promote KICS, such as at an early childhood education conference.